The Stage 32 Videos: Radio Theater

Dogfood Your Own Work

As the old adage goes: you should always dogfood a new product/service you have created. So, I've used a screenplay of mine, 'Seraphim's Miracle' to add to our demo collection at Sound of Scripts. A wee business endeavor, that transforms screenplays into radio-play inspired, audio experiences. I may be super biased. But I think this one worked out well!! (We are blessed to have a couple of awesome production engineers!).

Director Reginald Douglas and Playwright Brian Quijada from…

Arizona Theatre Company discusses 'Somewhere Over The Border' an inspirational musical with Director Reginald Douglas and Playwright Brian Quijada - Watch 'Somewhere Over The Border' for FREE May 4th @ 8PM PT - May 8th @ 8PM PT on our YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo.
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